No. 1     A careless hard worker
She stands at the door exhausted,
Weary at heart, I only stare,
What account of work will she give I ask myself,
Can I leave for a moment,
To where I ask bluntly,
She gives no reason cos she has none,
I state clearly that it’s a no,
Get back to work.

She cooks all eyes on the TV,
I stare and wait for the results,
Soon the meal is served,
I see traces of boredom,
I taste the fruit of not paying attention,
I am back at the gas,
More determined to be filled,
To enjoy and have my stomach’s desire.

The complains are endless,
From me to my daughter,
From the neighbor to the kiosk man,
I want to believe her,
But the evidence has judged her,
She is to blame for her ignorance,
For careless care, for a thoughtless gesture,
For being absentminded and big headed to understand.

No.2  Darkness
They say there is always light at the end of the tunnel,
But which light when all I see is darkness and more darkness
At every turn, at every step all I feel suffocating me is totality
Totality of a sinister darkness that scares me.

Am in need of help from above
Hold my hand Lord through this darkness
For without you, I may fall and never arise.
I desire that light even if it’s just a peek

No.3  Life can be unfair but…
They say life is unfair but you must experience it to know it.
Good luck comes to those we consider evil
Happiness blossoms to those who wish harm to others

Talent is given in abundance but the owner knows not
I seek to know what to do that misfortunes should not stare at me
That bad luck shall not be on my path
That jealousy shall not be known to me

I beseech you to grant me happiness of a special kind
That I may have wisdom to know that which is good and bad
The courage to say what I think and stand for
That I may learn to follow my conscious

That I may accept that in life each person has to have a share of bad luck
That when good moments come my way
I may smile from the heart and witness the opposite of life can be unfair.


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