My Everlasting Stream
I was so young and naïve yet anxious to discover the source of the fracas. There was resounding joy and glee animated with happy voices, with each step I envisioned what it it could be.
“Rosy, come back here!” My harsh mother’s voice rang out. “Am coming”, I retorted. I really intended to be back but not until I fulfilled my mission.
I got to it and watched in fascination as children played with water. There was a flow of it, so much of it. I had not seen so much water except that of bathing.
They must have been in so much joy as they laughed and jumped up and down in the water. I saw one being swept by the current. This scared the hell out of me, only then did I see her turn around and come back to the others. It was later that I learnt that she was swimming.
I remembered then that my mother would abdomish me for disobeying her and ran all the way to her, we were going to visit my grandfather.
This was one of those first time things that always linger in your mind for so long. I wanted to know why there was a river and how it came to be. I decided it was best that I ask my grandfather.
“How did the river comes to be?”, I asked curiously after having had our supper.
“Rosy, my child, long ago before anyone of us was born, God created the earth and there was water that flowed freely, its source was believed to be in the mountains. The river and the oceans were known to exist then and would later be of service to other creatures for survival.”He explained.
I formulated another question. “How helpful is it to us?” I asked though I already knew it could be used for fun more so for children.
“We can use it for washing clothes, cleaning the utensils and even cook.”He said. I was now perturbed as I could not understand how people could use it like that while others were spoiling it by swimming.
“I see that you are disturbed, what would you want to ask my child?’As if he had read my mind he asked.
“How come there were children swimming in the river” I asked curiously.
“My child this has been a source for survival for our people. It’s believed that since it’s the river, water is not stagnant and it keeps flowing, so it remains fresh. Its only right that people ensure that its kept clean, that they do not litter it by throwing dirt and paper bags into it.”
“The children swim coz it’s a source of fun, the children also need swimming lessons in case  the river becomes flooded and they need to cross it” Later on I learnt how to swim and so joined the others when they went for afternoon swimming.
The Gucha River is commonly known as “Kuja” by the luo while it retains Gucha by the Kisii. It’s a river that runs from Migori to Gucha District, it serves the two communities very well. It’s a reliable source of water and should be conserved.
There is a myth that the river calls upon the inhabitants into it and they disappear, just as the name may denote “come” .It only remains that for now a myth, unless someone can prove this, to me Gucha River remains my everlasting stream.
This everlasting stream was my haven when I needed to think, it was special more so in my teenage years, I would sit by and read letters from potential boyfriends. It was where I met with my mates to gossip and spend endless hours discussing boys.
I would want my Gucha River to remain special and forever be. I would want it to be treasured by others and kept clean forever flowing. Gucha River you will always be the source of my inspiration as it’s under your cool waters that I learnt of my ability to write. So I have discovered that “Talent is God’s gift to us and what we do with it is our gift to him”.


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