Lifestyle Diseases in Teenagers

   By Rosyline Gechemba N.

It is ridiculous how teenagers are succumbing to lifestyle diseases in their hay years. Teenagers are supposed to be energetic, passionate, rowdy, intelligent and all those good qualities. However, some are just bored, sullen, tired and fed up with life that all they can do is watch TV all day. It is pretty sad to look at the statistics, to know that a teenager is going to die because he was too exhausted to exercise or live a healthy life.
Causes of Lifestyle Diseases
Type 2 diabetes,  cancer, heart diseases and obesity are some of the common lifestyle diseases that have emerged in recent years. These diseases are brought about by the lack of exercise, poor diet, lack of sleep and behavioral factors such as unsafe environment and stress and poor living conditions at home.
Lifestyle diseases are preventable diseases and should not be the cause of worry in many countries. One would think that with the advancement in technology more so in the social media that teenagers will be wiser. Most teenagers do not know that they can get these diseases and they are not just relegated to adults. They do not know that these disease come from the harmful habits that they engage in such as smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs
Role of Parents
Parents are to blame for how teenagers turn up in life since they are supposed to influence how their teens eat and spend their time. They should involve them in activities in the house such as washing utensils, cleaning the floor, and cleaning the car among others. They should discourage them from watching movies and playing video games that involve a lot of sitting.Parents should also watch out for the danger signs which include; stress, anxiety, and depression to avoid getting anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

How to avoid lifestyle diseases
·         Teenagers need to change the way they act, think, live and co-exist with one another if they hope to avoid getting lifestyle diseases.
·         They should be able to go out and enjoy themselves using their God-given talents in sports, music, cooking, dancing, and acting among others.
·         They should desist from utilizing technology so much all day long and do something that involves using their muscles. They can begin a hobby such as gardening, painting, rock climbing among others, that ensures that they walk, carry things and move their bodies.
·         They should avoid getting stressed and find someone they trust to share their anger disappointment and feelings.
·         They should get enough sleep so that their mind is relaxed.
·         Most important  – Choose healthy diet and avoid fast foods

Advice to teenagers
To avoid wasting your life, you need to act and change the way you live. The trick to surviving and living a long life is just simple exercise and healthy living. You only live once, so make a point to enjoy your youth by doing responsible things. Let it be that you make good memories and something to look back with admiration when you are old. Let diseases not define you, you have a destiny and a purpose on this earth, wake up and grasp the opportunity to be healthy.

Teenage life should be fun, and one should not be spending it taking medications and therapy. 

Every teenager should stand up and advocate for healthy living to kick out lifestyle diseases


  1. This is true parents need to consider this info in developed countries such is given a whole ministry or a department in Govot to manage ....its a wonderful piece my friend Rossy ....keep up

  2. Very informative. Many have concentrated on communicable diseases and forgotten about non-communicable disease which are regarded as "silent killers" of the modern century.

    1. I agree.We must change our behavior for a better tomorrow.


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