No one tells you how tiresome it would be, how fast you
have to make decisions or how fair you have to be. They all brag at how happy
it will make you, how proud and how the memories will make you smile all through.
The day i discovered i was pregnant with my first child, I was scared at first
even after i had the reassurance of my husband that all will be well. I thought
of how embarrassing it will be to show around with my bump. I wondered at how i
will feel going out to the market, the people’s stares if it would affect me.I
worried too much, cried over nothing and lost so much weight vomiting off what
i ate. It was an experience that one cannot explain without mentioning, pain,
nostalgia, insomnia and cravings. I often wondered what gender it would be,
wanted to be surprised at the hospital so opted for no scanning and it paid
The love i felt the entire time was immense, spoilt for
choice on what to eat, cared in every way. I must admit i miss that attention,
it makes you feel so important. The day the pain came was on a Sunday, i had
walked for so long the day before seems the exercise had enabled the baby to
come early by two weeks. My experience is one that makes me smile
everytime,first because of the ignorance I had, I had not shopped for the baby,
wanted to do it the last week so with the labor pains I had, walked to the
supermarket and picked only what I could
for what the baby would wear when I gave birth. My girl should know that it was
her father who had to go the market to shop her other clothes that she wore for
the next three months. So at the hospital, no one tells you how to push, they
assume you should know, no one tells you when the pain would subside. The joy
is what you feel when it’s all over and you hear that cry that confirms you are
indeed a new mum. So it was with happiness that I carried home a bouncing baby girl.
I knew what name I would give her if she turned out to be a girl. Samantha
meaning God has answered. If it turned out to be a boy then it would be Samuel.
With my second born it was a smooth ride all through. In comparison, while I
vomited for nine months with Samantha, with Simon it was just glimpses when
triggered by acidity. While I lost kilograms with Samantha, I gained a few with
Simon proving that every pregnancy is unique.
Children need to make us happy but the talking one has to
do makes it all so tiresome. The bigger they get the more you talk, it’s always
don’t do that, don’t touch that…There is also the fact that you must be a judge
in every fight, you must not overlook the bruises, you must be the doctor at
times so it is evident when you visit every house that has children you will
come across Calpol, Scotts Emulsion, Spirit just to mention a few. You must be
the one that cooks what they want, you must be the cook that they are proud of.
They should be able to brag what they have eaten, be it Ugali it should be with
so much pride. This culminates what makes motherhood so difficult to fathom.
You attain so many roles that require you to take with stride be it a judge,
cook, teacher all for the love of the children. One should not forget that
there is always the “first born” who is your husband who wants the lion share
of the mother’s attention.
I treasure every moment I have my boy and girl, they make
us so happy Amos and I. Motherhood is tough, every sacrifice we make is worth everything.
The choices we make everyday defines what kind of parents we end up being. The
anxiousness we feel every time we are faced with a challenge is unimaginable.
To take one step at a time is what each parent does since every day is
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