Modern day adaptation of Rapunzel

Once upon a time, there was a wonderful couple who longed for a child but had not been successful in getting one. After several trips to the hospital, the doctors discovered that Judith's womb had a problem, they advised her to undergo surgery to rectify the problem, and soon she became pregnant. She had cravings for ice-cream and would wake up at the wee hours of the night to eat it, one day she woke up and found that the ice-cream she had kept in the refrigerator was over. She sent her husband to ask for some from their neighbor; Mrs.Doubtfire since the nearest supermarket was several miles away. Upon hearing his request she gave him a scoop of her vanilla ice-cream and added a little sedative. She liked the ice-cream so much and the secret ingredient; the sedative helped to calm Judith’s nerves and soon she was fast asleep. When Judith gave birth, Mrs.Doubtfire loved the baby so much that she stole her from her parents and went into hiding. There was a police detective who beg...