1 It was morning again, The bird’s rhythmic sounds rent the air, The crowing of the cock woke the humans, Grandma was out milking. I was getting up when I saw it, I screamt out of sheer anguish, Grandpa called after me, Mamma ran to my room. I stared at her perplexed, She saw it then and smiled, She looked so happy, You are now a woman!. I was confused, I felt dirty, I could not hold back the tears, Her words resounded, “She is now ready!” Grandma sang that day, Mamma laughed all day, Grandpa drank Chang’aa over and over, Pappa roasted the meat in the afternoon. I heard them whisper, He was coming at last, To get that which he had promised, I kept to my room. Visitors filled our homestead, The party began, Everyone danced and sang to the music, I remained in my room distraught. Mamma came after me, My favourite Cousin Joy at her side,...