
Showing posts from February, 2025


Yesterday was World Radio Day-13th Feb,this day right here brings fresh memories of my first real job though an attachment at Baraka FM in Mombasa.Back in 2008, it was extremely difficult to get a job or an internship for that matter at such a prestigious radio station.So I approached a certain KTN journalist- Ngumbao who owed me a favor.May God rest his soul. You see, Ngumbao came to Airport View Academy to interview students who had passed in KCPE.While talking to me he asked what I wanted to be.For those who know me, know that from an early age I had it all figured out,I wanted to be a journalist.He said to me casually- if you ever need help ,come see me.So when I was required to be attached, I went to collect on that favor.Since that was like eight years before, Ngumbao did not remember but he said -why not.He called up his friend Mwangi who was the big boss at Baraka Fm and asked for a favor.You see....this girl right here received a call."Come report on Monday". ...