Love Battles with Anger

She sat staring into oblivion for such a long time that she did not hear him come in. He sat in the darkness with her, not daring to talk as she was in a lousy mood. She felt something move and glanced just for a while and saw his silhouette. She did not speak up, but sank back into her thoughts. He decided then that the best action was to walk away and that’s what he did. He went into their bedroom and jumped into bed. Linda was a hard person to please. She was always concerned about her image and what people would say that it affected her relationship with her friends and family. On this occasion, she was unhappy because the husband had forgotten her birthday party. She had to lie to her friends that he was out of town to avoid the questions and the glances. Mark had tried to explain to her that he had a deadline to beat and that it escaped his mind. But the minute he remembered he had rushed home only to find the last of their friend pull away from their driveway. Linda found it...